A blonde in Library!!!
It's fun to browse YouTube - sometimes you can find interesting stuff there - it's like Flickr but with moving pictures!!!
So many Places so little time!!!
It's fun to browse YouTube - sometimes you can find interesting stuff there - it's like Flickr but with moving pictures!!!
Do you want to stay in Ice Castle, Tree House, Tram Hotel, Cave, Wigwam, Lighthouse or Old Jail? YOU CAN DO THIS TOO!!!!
Poseidon UnderSea Resort
Enjoy your TRAVEL!!!!
Автор volga на 15:11 0 комментария(ев)
The Library Hotel in New York City is the first hotel ever to offer its guest over 6,000 volumes organized throughout the hotel by the Dewey Decimal System.* Each of the 10 guestrooms floors honors one of the 10 categories of the DDC and each of the 60 rooms is uniquely adorned with a collection of books and art exploring a distinctive topic within the category or floor it belongs to.
I've lived in Kent, WA, for couple years and I still work @ Kent Regional Library and I decided to find information about other cities of Kent in USA.
So far I've found:
Kent, Ohio ("The Original Tree City")
Kent, Michigan
Kent, Minnesota
Kent, Oregon
Kent, Connecticut
Kent County, Michigan
Kent County, Delaware
Kent County, Texas
District of Kent, Agassiz, British Columbia
Town of Kent (often known as Kent Lakes), New York
Kent, England ("...relax... refresh..inspire")
I live in Auburn, WA, and I decided to find information about other cities of Auburn in USA.
So far I've found:
Auburn, Alabama ("The Loveliest Village of the Planet")
Auburn, California ("Endurance capital of the world")
Auburn, Maine ("City of Opportunity")
Auburn, New York ("Birthpalce of Talking Movies")
Auburn, Indiana ("Home of the Classics")
Auburn, Gergia ("Planning for the Future")
Auburn, Illinois ("The Redbud City")
Auburn, West Virginia
Auburn, Oregon
Auburn, Nebraska ("Where The Good Life Begins")
Auburn, Iowa ("A Taste Of Home")
Auburn, New Hampshire
Auburn, Kansas
Auburn, Pennsylvania
Auburn Hills, Michigan
and even
Auburn, Australia ("Many Cultures, One Community")
Take ONE minute today to sign the ONE declaration and lend us your voice in the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty.
Автор volga на 22:36 0 комментария(ев)
Ярлыки: Charity
elgooG is a mirror image (a flipped around image version) of the Google search engine. The search page and all results are displayed in reverse. The site is called the "google mirror" as a parody of the term mirror in computing, which usually refers to a copy or backup of another website. The site was created by a group called All Too Flat, who put up various comedy and satire pages on their website. Google was not involved in the creation of elgooG.
u rule!!! U SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've created my own Travel Search Engine and I still need sometime to realize all potential use for it. But first of all it's cool!!!
I liked 27Things Reminder meeting with Aaron Schmidt on April 24th @ Kent- exchange of thoughts and experience learning 27Things and using all those social softwares to promote Libraries and create new services for our patrons.
Some good websites about socializing libraries:
walkingpaper.org -Aaron Schmidt's blog,
www.hclib.org - Hannepin Couinty Library has BOOKSPACE (check Flickr for Bookspace pictures of reading people!!!!)
Metafilter.com and Askmetafilter.com
43Things.com - communities around something and everything
aadl.org - Ann Arbor District Library (AADL) web-site has Events Blog.
Автор volga на 13:59 1 комментария(ев)
Ярлыки: Google, KCLS Learning 2.0
Yes, I made half way through 27Things, hope I became smarter....
I've read some articles about using Wiki @ Libraries and I think it's realy usefull tool for us. Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki - libsuccess.org
And would like to read or even write article to the Services to Specific Groups section (Services in a Multi-lingual Environment)- Services to Russian and Ukrainian Speakers.
On ALA Midwinter Meeting 2007(Seattle) Wiki Main Page I found Seattle Slang.
And very important question - why KCLS still doesn't have wiki?
And now I'm officially in kcls27things wiki Best Blog Ever!!!!! It always feels good to be The Best!!!
Автор volga на 12:17 0 комментария(ев)
Ярлыки: KCLS Learning 2.0, Wikis
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Located at 70.664° N 23.69° E, Hammerfest claims to be the northernmost city in the world, although the title is disputed by Honningsvåg, Norway, Barrow, Alaska and Longyearbyen, Svalbard. The validity of the claim depends upon one's definition of a city; Hammerfest is the world's northernmost settlement of more than 6,000 inhabitants. It is also the oldest town in North Norway.
Автор volga на 10:52 0 комментария(ев)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Ushuaia is the capital of the Argentine province of Tierra del Fuego, and the world's southernmost city. It is located on the southern coast of the island of Tierra del Fuego, in a setting surrounded by mountains and overlooking the Beagle Channel.
Автор volga на 09:56 0 комментария(ев)
The questions are:
1. What are you thinking about?
2. Do you love me?
3. Do I look fat?
4. Do you think she is prettier than me?
5. What would you do if I died?
What makes these questions so difficult is that every one is guaranteed to explode into a major argument if the man answers incorrectly (i.e tells the truth). Therefore, as a public service, each question is analyzed below, along with possible responses.
Question # 1: What are you thinking about?
The proper answer to this, of course, is: "I'm sorry if I've been pensive, dear. I was just reflecting on what a warm, wonderful, thoughtful, caring, intelligent woman you are, and how lucky I am to have met you." This response obviously bears no resemblance to the true answer, which most likely is one of the following:
How fat you are.
How much prettier she is than you.
How I would spend the insurance money if you died.
(Perhaps the best response to this question was offered by Al Bundy, who once told Peg, "If I wanted you to know what I was thinking, I would be talking to you!")
Question # 2: Do you love me?
The proper response is: "YES!" or, if you feel a more detailed answer is in order, "Yes, dear." Inappropriate responses include:
I suppose so.
Would it make you feel better if I said yes?
That depends on what you mean by love.
Does it matter?
Who, me?
Question # 3: Do I look fat?
The correct answer is an emphatic: "Of course not!" Among the incorrect answers are:
Compared to what?
I wouldn't call you fat, but you're not exactly thin.
A little extra weight looks good on you.
I've seen fatter.
Could you repeat the question? I was just thinking about how I would spend the insurance money if you died.
Question # 4: Do you think she's prettier than me? Once again, the proper response is an emphatic: "Of course not!" Incorrect responses include:
Yes, but you have a better personality
Not prettier, but definitely thinner
Not as pretty as you, when you were her age
Define 'pretty'
Could you repeat the question? I was just thinking about how I would spend the insurance money if you died.
Question #5: What would you do if I died?
A definite no-win question. (The real answer, or course, is "Buy a Corvette.")
No matter how you answer this, be prepared for at least an hour of follow-up questions, usually along the these lines:
She....Would you get married again?
He.....Definitely not!
She....Why not - don't you like being married?
He.....Of course I do.
She....Then why wouldn't you remarry?
He.....Okay, I'd get married again.
She....You would? (With a hurtful look on her face)
He.....Yes, I would.
She....Would you sleep with her in our bed?
He.....Where else would we sleep?
She....Would you put away my pictures, and replace them with pictures of her?
He.....That would seem like the proper thing to do.
She....And would you let her use my golf clubs?
He.....She can't use them; she's left-handed.
Автор volga на 16:24 0 комментария(ев)
Ярлыки: FUN
The road Guoliang Tunnel in Taihang mountains (China) has been built by villagers themselves.Before 1972, the path chiseled into the rock used to be the only access linking the village with the outside world. Then the villagers decided to dig a tunnel through the rocky cliff. Led by Shen Mingxin, head of the village, they sold goats and herbs to buy hammers and steel tools. Thirteen strong villagers began the project. It took them five years to finish the 1,200-metre-long tunnel which is about 5 meters high and 4 meters wide. Some of the villagers even gave their lives to it. On May 1, 1977, the tunnel was opened to traffic.
Автор volga на 16:05 1 комментария(ев)
Every year it is estimated 200 to 300 people die on a stretch of road less than 50 miles long. Compare to this Road to Hana looks like piece of cake!!!!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The North Yungas Road (also Grove's Road, Coroico Road, Camino de las Yungas, El Camino de la Muerte, Road of Death, and Death Road) is a 38 to 43 mile road (depending on source) leading from La Paz to Coroico, 35 miles (56 km) northeast of La Paz in the Yungas region of Bolivia. It is legendary for its extreme danger and in 1995 the Inter-American Development Bank christened it as the "world's most dangerous road" [1]. One estimate is that 200-300 travellers are killed yearly along the road [2]. The road moreover includes Christian crosses marking many of the spots where such vehicles have fallen. Upon leaving La Paz, the road first ascends up to around 5km, before descending to 1079 ft (330 m), transitioning quickly from cool altiplano terrain to rain forest as it winds through very steep hillsides and atop cliffs.
The road was built in the 1930s during the Chaco War by Paraguayan prisoners. It is one of the few routes that connects the Amazon rainforest region of northern Bolivia, or Yungas, to its capital city. However, an alternative, much safer, road connecting La Paz to Coroico is nearing completion.
Because of the extreme dropoffs, single-lane width, and lack of guardrails, the road is extremely dangerous. Further still, rain and fog can make visibility precarious, the road surface muddy, and loosen rocks from the hillsides above. On July 24, 1983, a bus veered off the Yungas Road and into a canyon, killing more than 100 passengers in what is said to be Bolivia's worst road accident. One of the local road rules specifies that the downhill driver never has the right of way and must move to the outer edge of the road. This forces fast vehicles to stop so that passing can be negotiated safely. The danger of the road ironically though has made it a popular tourist destination starting in the 1990s. Mountain biker enthusiasts, in particular, have made it a favorite destination for downhill biking.
Автор volga на 15:30 1 комментария(ев)
These pictures were taken at the sand castle contest that's held here every year in New Zealand . They use to have it in White Rock. However, it eventually became so big that it was impossible to continue to hold it any there longer; so a few years ago they moved further north to a city called Abbotsford. People come from all over the world to compete. It's really something to see!
incredible Sand Sculptures
Автор volga на 23:01 0 комментария(ев)
I'm stll trying to catch up with my KCLS Learning 2.0.
Deeper we go into Internet it becomes darker!!!! Internet is endless and bootmeless!!!! AU-U-U-U!!!!
For my Del.icio.us look like one more blog search engine!!!!
It' interesting to learn more and new BUT will I remember all this later - this is the most important question for me!!!
I liked browsing in Technorati, found some interestig blogs - probably will use this searching blog engine in future too!!!!
And I learned new word Folksonomy - everybody can use their own keywords to categorize books.
Today I created MyLibrary on LibraryThing - that was fun, I played with couple of my own books in couple mins and I'll add more books later. I liked Tour and specially one phrase: "LibraryThing cares about books, not about SELLING books". I'm a librarian and it' impotrant to me too.
I checked GuruLib and Shelfari.
Автор volga на 15:42 0 комментария(ев)
Ярлыки: KCLS Learning 2.0; Del.icio.us, LibraryThing, Technorati
As everybody knows I celebrated my 16-again-BirthDay in Maui this year. That was one of the most incredable vacation in my life. A little bit of facts and numbers:
Trip - April 2nd-9th, 2007
Hotel - Lahaina Shores (in south end of Lahaina - former capital of Hawaii before Honolulu) - the Best Hotel we ever stayed!!!
Rent car - Saturn Ion (very relaible economy car), we drove 530 miles per week!!!
Took 600 pictures!!!!
Our Itenirary:
April 2nd - Flights Seattle-San Francisco, San Francisco-Kahului; Rent a car; explore Lahaina
April 3rd - MY BIRTHDAY!!!! Shopping in WalMart; North Shore - Paia, sugar cane fields; Dinner @ Cheesburger in Paradise
April 4th - Road to Hana: Twin Falls, Garden of Eden, Ke'anae Arboretum, Kaumahina State Wayside - beautiful view on Hana, Wai'anapanapa State Park - Black Sand beach, Hana Bay, south entrance to Haleakala State Park and 'Oheo'o Gulch (Seven Sacred Pools), Red Sand beach in Hana
April 5th - South Maui: Ma'alaea, Kihei (swimming in Kama'ole Beach III), Wailea - Belerly Hills may relax compare to houses in Wailea!!!
April 6th - Haleakala Volcano (elevation -10,023 feet); Kula Botanic Garden; Dinner @ Aloha Mixed Plate
April 7th - Lahaina Shores beach; Napali - Makalua-puna point (Dragon's teeth)
April 8th - Whale watching with Pasific Whale Foundation, Easter in Episcopal Church
April 9th - Iao Needle; south Maui and Kahului; Flight Kahului - Los Angeles,
April 10th - Flight Los Angeles - Seattle.
Want to see my slide shows:
My Maui
I've Survived Road to Hana
Haleakala Volcano
Kula Botanic Garden
Bad day in Ireland
I could have sworn I hit the brake pedal!
Car upside down in the bay - see guy standing on it?
Call out the wrecker!
Coming back up...coming...coming
Coming...almost there!
I could have sworn I set the brakes on that truck!
Time to get a Bigger Wrecker!
OK, we got the car...let's get the other wrecker now!
O...o...oohhh No!!
Who's gonna explain this one to the insurance guys?
Автор volga на 07:40 0 комментария(ев)